Christ’s Body has not risen ?

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  1. An angel taking the body away from the tomb and hiding it, is an assumption that cannot be proved
  2. The formation of bodies bearing traces of wounds to convince Thomas and the other disciples, is a kind of deceit not fitting for the Lord
  3. Thomas wanted to place his finger in the wounds of the body that was crucified for him, not of any other body! Could the have decieved Thomas, revealing to him a body other than that which was crucified, and providing it with traces of wounds that Thomas might put his finger in them and be deceive ?! Could it be that the Lord reveals another body and other wounds than those which Thomas wanted to make sure of the resurrection of the body through them ??

    As is it reasonable that the Lord used the same deceit with respect to the apostles, saying to them “Handle Me and see, for a spirit does not have flesh and bones as you see I have.” Luke 24:39? Would it not be a lie that he made them feel that the body crucified for them has risen, though it was not the same body ?