Christ is Archangel Michael ? (Refutation)

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Jesus is thought to be Angel Michael; the Archangel and commander of the Lord’s army.

It is true that God appeared to Moses the prophet in the bush in form of the Angel of the Lord ( Exodus 3:2-6), and to Joshua the son of Nun as the commander of the Lord’s army, and He spoke to him as God (Joshua 5:13-15) However, God’s appearance as an Angel does not mean that HE is an Angel.

He appeared many time in the form of a man , but that does not mean that HE is a man. He appeared to Jacob the patriarch as a Man wrestling with him until the breaking of day, and He blessed Jacob and changed him name (Genesis 32:24-30).

As for the idea that Lord Christ is Angel Michael or any other angel, it is impossible for many reasons, among which are the following:


  • The word of Paul the Apostle in his Epistle to the Hebrews that Christ is greater than all ranks of angels:“To Which of the angels has HE ever said:’Sit at My right Hand, till I make Your enemies Your footstool’?” (Hebrew 1:13) The latter is also repeated in (Psalm 110:1)


  • It is also stated that the angels worshiped the Lord Christ, a thing which never happened to Archangel Michael.St. Paul the Apostle says, “But when He again brings the firstborn into the world, He says:’Let all the angels of God worship Him.'” (Hebrew 1:6). Has this ever been said about an angel ? Is it not stated in the Book of Revelation that an angel refused to let John worship him (Revelation 19:10) ?


  • It is said about Archangel Michael” Yet Michael the archangel, in contending with the devil, when he disputed about the body of Moses, dared not bring against him a reviling accusation, but said,’The Lord rebuke you!'” (Jude 1:9). The lord Christ, on the other hand, rebuked the devil many times. Once, when He was casting out an unclean spirit from a man, the unclean spirit cried out, saying, “let us alone!” What have we to do with You, Jesus of Nazareth ? Did you come to Destroy us ? I know who You are the Holy One of God! And when Jesus rebuked him, saying ” Be quite and come out of Him!” (Mark 1:25-27)
  • The Lord Christ said, “I and My Father are One,” (John 10:30) and repeated the same meaning in (John 17:22).
  • None of the divine attributes belonging to the Lord Christ is ascribed to Archangel Michael or to any other archangel. Among those attributes are:
    1. the divinity(John 1:1; Romans 9:5; Isaiah 9:6)
    2. The power to create (Psalms 102:25-27); Proverbs 22:30)
    3. The miracles of transforming water into wine(John 2)
    4. and the feeding of the multitude of five loaves and two fish

Besides none of the angels is described, like Christ, as omnipresent (John 3:13) for He said of Himself,” Where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them.” (Matthew 18:20). In addition, Christ’s power of perceiving the thoughts of the mind (Mark 2:6-8). For evidence of The Divinity of Christ, consider this book.